A year ago I (Kenny) started working on Trip Hopping unknowingly, long before it was called Trip Hopping, I simply had the idea to create a resource and tool for getting around easier and keeping my friends up to date with my travels. I met Larry couchsurfing in Phoenix, he loved the idea and the name Trip Hopping came about, we've been working on the project ever since.
The meat of Trip Hopping is rideshare and travel. We want people to see every possible method of travel to get to where they're going, and that includes offering and requesting rides from fellow travelers. We think that if people have a profile with references from people they've rode with before travelers will be more willing to offer and request rides.
Profiles are more than just references, but a window into each person's travels. You can have a map showing where you are now and places you visited or plan to visit. Videos, pictures and travel blogs can be imported from popular sites like YouTube and Picasa (adding support for more sites in the future), when you first log in you'll see the most recent locations and stories your travel friends have to offer.
Like any new site we are feeling things out. Some things may act funny, some things you'll love, and you'll have ideas for cool additions to the site, we do too. Shoot an email to ContactUs@triphopping.com with anything and everything on your mind, we love feedback.
Happy Trip Hopping everybody!